He was teaching me a lesson alright. Let's put a pin in that story for a second. (I promise I'll come back and it will all flow together. The English teacher in me will make sure of it.) Back at the beginning of the new year 2017, there was a great deal of talk on social media about choosing a word to define the year. Thinking it might not be a bad idea I scoured the internet looking for a word that I would choose for my own this year. The word I chose was POSSIBLE. Having my word, I emailed my favorite cuff designer, Liz Taylor, to inscribe the word on a beautiful cuff as a visual reminder (I am defiantly a visual person). After the last few months I needed a little attitude adjustment. I had some big dreams for myself, my new business, and my slowly growing family. Matthew 19:26 came into my thoughts constantly; which says, "Jesus said, "with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'." With the past year we had I needed something new and fresh to start my year. What better way than reminding myself that the God who created the heavens and the earth loves me and with Him anything is truly possible.
Back to my day off, I rested a good portion of the day and decided it was time to get up and moving. On a whim I decided to take a pregnancy test. I always keep a few lying around the house just to rule that out (after years of waiting and testing, one never knows when you might want to test). Having only one test I sat down to take it. Wouldn't know you that sucker read positive. Now I'll shamefully admit that my first thought was not joy, it was pure irritation. Irritated that I bought a cheap test and now it was reading a wrong answer. It took me about 5 minutes to call Chase and ask him to bring home more tests; preferably the expensive kind and lots.

To be completely honest, I don't think I started breathing normally until after we reached the 12 weeks. I still don't think that it has really sunk in that I'm pregnant and I'm close to the half way mark. The reality of this pregnancy still throws me off most days. This has been a hard fought dream and it still feels like just that, a dream. My heart rate still rises when a new unknown pain or ache comes on. The only thing that I can think is, "is this it, will we lose this baby too". The only thing I ever cling to is hope. Hope and faith that God has this and always will. After all with God all things are possible. Until next time friends, always Chasing Hope.