Ha, I hope I made you sing the song. :) Oh, my least favorite subject when it comes to a family. Really, this shouldn't even be an issue. However, if you can't have children the "old-fashioned way" then it is a topic of discussion. If we are talking about adoption or biological children this will (for now at least) be a problem for us. This post isn't about asking for money, it's about awareness about what things cost when you're infertile and wanting a family.
Let's begin with what I know for a fact will happen, our adoption. The average adoption cost (we're talking domestic- in the U.S.) is between $14,000 -- $40,000 depending on where you go. Did your jaw just drop to the ground? I know mine did when we started looking into it. It may be a good chunk of change, but the end result will, in fact, be a child. It's guaranteed. Now, I am not talking about those families that choose you, and then back out at the last minute. Trust me, I've heard every horror story there is about them. Not quite sure what it is about people, but when you mention a thing like adoption someone always knows a cousin, neighbor, or some distant person that had a horrible experience. But, I think that's just human nature.
And now for the main event, let's talk about fertility treatment. Did you know that 1 in 8 couples suffer from infertility? And, did you know that it can take healthy couples up to a year to conceive naturally? Maybe you did or maybe you didn't. Well, to receive treatment you have to, of course, go through the "all might insurance company" to see what they cover, if anything. With most fertility treatments insurance doesn't cover a thing, and that happens to be the case with us. Actually that's not completely true, let me back up, they do cover treatment at certain hospitals which just so happen to be Chicago, Chicago, and Chicago. This is an option, but it would be a 10 hour drive, there and back. Not to mention, we would have to go up there at least 2-3 times A WEEK. So at this point, we get to cover all out of pocket costs, it's now time to crunch some numbers.
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) just the procedure costs $400. Now let's add in an ultrasound $250, medication $5 (thank goodness insurance can cover that, total medication cost $20, wow, that extra $15 really helped), and if you're really lucky a hormone shot $100. Not to mention the time off work and gas the get the RE's office. Let me see, I am not the math teacher just the English teacher, but I think were at $755. And this dear friends is for one attempt.
Now let's take it a step further, which we are considering, we are thinking about IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) which costs between $15,000-$18,000 for ONE, that's right, ONE round. If it doesn't work then there always next month, right? Not to mention the time it takes to complete all the steps in the IVF process.
As I said before, this isn't about people feeling sorry for me/us. It is to bring awareness. So, when a friend, family member, or church member shares with you about their difficulties, don't just say, "Oh, well just try (insert procedure they heard about here). Or better yet, my favorite, just adopt. Think about these things before you suggest procedures or adoption. This is their FAMILY they are wanting to start, granted it's taking longer than they ever hoped or dreamed. I've also read that money is one of the main reasons holding couples back from adoption or fertility treatments. I won't even mention the heartache that comes with it. That will be a difference post. Until next time still chasing hope.