At this point in my life I have obtained many titles: child of God, sister, daughter, granddaughter, wife, teacher, and one of my favorites aunt. I take each title very seriously; they make up who I am. There is one title that I haven't been able to fully snag and that would be mom. For a brief moment I was going to be a mommy, but that was taken away from me. In my heart I am already a mom, but I'm talking about something more than just being a mom.
I long for days when someone small will call me mom. There have been days were I have been mistaken for mom, and I secretly pretend like it wasn't an accident. One day when we were at Chase's grandma's my 2 oldest nephews were running around playing like always. All of the adults were scattered between the living room and kitchen. They had run off somewhere and their little voices couldn't be heard around the house. I have been told that when toddlers get quiet they are usually up to no good. With that thought in mind, I set off to find the little troublemakers and find them in a bedroom. They both begin to squeal with delight because after all they love when someone "chases" them. The youngest of the two looks up at me and says MOMMY!! My heart instantly melted. However, let me explain something, he is also 2 and calls everyone either mommy or daddy. Just the week before when we arrived for Sunday lunch he was at the door when we arrived, he pointed at me and said "Look it Daddy". Even though he hasn't learned my name too well yet that little moment of mommy glory was dancing around in my head. Even though the moment was fleeting I am still going to soak up every minute, real or pretend.
Another title that I love is teacher. I have worked most of my life and paid a good amount of money to be called teacher. With that title something happens when you spend 8 hours a day with children. You become wrapped up in what they do and say; even at times talking like they do. You become comfortable around each other and begin to let your guard down. Thus the inevitable "Hey mom" instead of "Hey Ms. Hyde". On more than one occasion a student has called me mom and I can imagine that at their age (11-14) it can be extremely embarrassing to call your teacher mom. Just recently I had this happen in class, a student called me mom instead of my teacher name. When this happens I usually just smile and don't say anything, but with this student I joked with them a little. To be completely honest I feel honored when they call me mom too. That says that they trust me enough and know that I care for them and would treat them like they were my own. Obviously they would never say this, I do teach Jr. High after all. It is still an honor none the less.
With these "accidents" in mind I love my nephews, as well as, my students like they were my own. However, I hope some day soon that someone little will be calling me mommy and it won't be an accident. As always, Chasing Hope.
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