Friday, November 13, 2015

1 Month Waiting

     I can't believe it's been over a full month since our profile went live.  In that time we have painted the nursery, hung curtains, bought a crib and dresser, and had a baby shower.  Needless to say that I feel a little more prepared for the "call" now.  Crossfit is still kicking our butts, however, I have never felt stronger.  As the holidays draw near, school is heating up with Christmas program practices, talk of parties, and Christmas break.  I am so glad that we have stayed busy.  Some days I don't think I'm busy enough to not think about our wait and our sweet Angel baby. 
    In reality, waiting a month for an adoption is nothing.  I see it a little differently though.  I see us waiting for 3 years and 9 months.  People tend to leave out the fact (or ignore) that we have been working on making our family a family of three for that long.  As we wait, we will continue to prepare the nursery, work our already sore muscles even more, and pray for the call.  If you are praying for us we are eternally grateful.  I'll even give you a few specifics to pray for.  Pray for the mother of our child, that God would open her heart to us.  Pray for the sweet baby she carries that is growing inside of her.  Pray for us that we continue to find peace in God and not in anything or anyone else.  We love you all.  Until next time, always Chasing Hope & Choosing Joy. 

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