Our story

April 4, 2009 - met the love of my life on a blind date 
Christmas Day 2009 - beautiful Christmas light proposal 
July 17, 2010 - the day I marry my best friend
April 3, 2012 - I am an aunt to the sweetest boy in the world and the day we decide to start our family 
May 2013 - past a year of trying and our OB suggests clomid 
November 2013 - Clomid doesn't work and OB refers us to a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) at Washington University Dr. O  
January 2014 - RE orders an HSG (Hysterosalpingogram) which checks my ovaries and tubes - test comes back clear 
January 2014 - Dr. O introduces the drug letrozole to help me ovulate
June 2014 - Dr. O wants to try an IUI (intrauterine insemination) after the third failed attempt we decide to take a break 
December 13, 2014 - found out I was pregnant 
January 15, 2015 - lost our Peanut at 10 weeks 
May 2015 - move our focus to adoption 
June 2015 - Angel Adoption accepted us as clients and we signed a 2 year contract 
October 2015 - our adoption profile went live for all mothers to see 
December 2016 - birth mother wanted to speak with us but quickly moved in a different direction 
February 1, 2017 - positive pregnancy test (3 taken total) 
February 13, 2017 - ultrasound and heartbeat confirmed pregnancy EDD October 7, 2017

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