Wednesday, May 4, 2016

No News

     I am pretty sure there is a country song with this title.  It has been a few months since I have posted an update and really since I have posted period.  There isn't much to report other than that our profile is being shown more.  We are just waiting for God to bring us to the right mother and child.  We ask for your continued prayers.  More specifically for the mother that she is safe and healthy and that she is led to us.  We have been praying for God to send us to the right situation.  We have discussed many times how we would rather have no match than to have a match fail.  For us, it would be the equivalent of a miscarriage.  Again, we thank you for all of your prayer and support.  Some day this will be a long joyful post.  Until next time, always Chasing Hope. 

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