Tuesday, January 12, 2016

I See You

I see you standing over there looking at me talking to the sweet blue-eyed baby in my arms. 
You don't know me and I don't know you.
I see you smile; unknowingly watching me cuddle and snuggle with him. 
You look on as I talk to him about all the people walking about.
You see me plant a kiss in his messy hair. 
You chuckle as I playfully blow a raspberry on his pudgy cheek.  
What you don't know is that he is not mine; he is my nephew. 
You see dear stranger for I minute I see what it must be like to watch a mother take care of her child. 
I feel the acceptance from you over an accomplishment I haven't yet made. 
You see dear stranger for just a minute you made me feel something that I have longed for since I was a little girl. 
You made me feel like a mother. 

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