Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What a Difference a Year Makes

     Ah, a snow day, I love being a teacher and I love my students.  Although, there is nothing better than getting a call saying it's too cold and snowy to come to school.  As I sit and gaze out my living room window at the peaceful woods behind our house, I can't help but think how different things were just a short year ago. 
     One year ago, I was waking up from a dreamless sleep in a hospital room after my D&C.  I remember the look on Chases face as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.  It was one of worry, and I couldn't figure out why.  Once I quite asking the same question over and over again, he asked if I knew what happened while I was under.  Thankfully, I had no clue that I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic they gave me.  Nothing major just an all over rash; thus causing the short 15 minute procedure to turn into over 45 minutes in the operating room.  I thank God for the advances in modern medicine because the last thing I remember is the sweet doctor calmly talking to me and the nursing staff. 
     It's so crazy how we remember the littlest details about a certain an event.  I remember my awesome best friend kept tabs on me that early morning.  As I began to come around I wanted Chase to take a picture of me with a silly face and send it to her.  The no make-up shot plus the goofy face was hysterical and the caption read, "I don't think the meds have worn off yet."  She sent me back a message saying that she was in an important meeting and opened my message thinking it was an update.  It was an update all right.  Oops, being a responsible and mature adult is overrated in my book.  If I'm not laughing; I'm crying and I hate crying.  So, I would rather laugh situations out. 
     I type this all today not because I am sad.  I will always, always miss my sweet Peanut and think about him daily.  I wonder how big he would be, and what he would look like.  I type this out because in my Time Hop from a year ago I shared a blog post about our miscarriage.  However, another occasion popped up the same day 6 years earlier, which was a count down to our honeymoon in Hawaii.  Life is full of highs and some very low, lows, but there is always hope for the next day, week, month, or even year.  There is a beautiful song by Newsboys called "Your Love Never Fails".  My favorite lyric in the song is "there may be pain in the night but JOY comes in the morning".  God is so good to give us a promise of hope for the next day.  Even though we are still in the middle of our journey, I still have hope that the next day will always hold something new and better.  Until next time friends, always Chasing Hope. 

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