Saturday, May 16, 2015

Enough Talk, It's Time

     Now that school has almost let out for the summer it's time to start something that has always been on our hearts, adopting.  Chase and I have been kicking around the idea of adoption for almost a year.  Last fall we even contacted and met with several adoption agencies.  It's time to officially start the process.  I am very tired of hearing people say, "You know what happens when you start the adoption process or sign adoption papers?  You get pregnant (insert high pitched baby voice here)".  I always try to be honest, however, there are times where I think being blunt is so much better.  This piece of "advise" is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.  The whole point of adoption is to enlarge our family and the whole point of being pregnant is enlarging our family.  Either way we are accomplishing our goal.  I would be over the moon if God blessed us with 2 children at once.  That doesn't mean I wouldn't be terrified, but together Chase and I would figure it out. 
     There are so many questions that people ask when you say that you're going to adopt.  How old would you want the child to be?  Are you choosing international or domestic?  What race would we prefer?  Among those questions I have heard people state some pretty horrifying things about adopting.  For example, well I know someone who adopted and insert terrible thing here.  It's almost as if they are trying to talk you out of something that you are being lead by God to do.  When we talk about starting our family, adoption has always been on the table.  I feel like He is telling us it's time to officially start the process. 
     I know for a fact that this path will not be an easy one, but I do know that the end result will be beautiful.  So, with this post keep your eyes and ears pealed for us.  If you know of someone in a situation that is thinking about giving their child up please think about us.  The path will be long and winding and the burden heavy at times, but the outcome will be perfect.  As always, Chasing Hope. 

A special thank you to Emily Kracht for doing our fall family/adoption session. 

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